Monday, June 21, 2010

Rock Lobster

It’s official. My back is as fried as my brain has been lately. Last Tuesday was the school's day at the beach, and while I did remember to vigilant about putting sunscreen on the kids, I forgot to put any on myself. And I burned. I'm not talking a little pink around the shoulders. I'm talking purple red. The saving grace to the bathing suit I had on is that it has a band that goes directly across my back, so a bra could still be worn after being put in place VERY carefully. Almost a week later, I no longer resemble a boiled lobster. Yesterday the itchy peeling stage started, so my back now looks like a snake that’s shedding its skin. Trust me, next year, I'm slathering the SPF 50 on before leaving the house!

There are a bunch of two-sentence posts cluttering my hard drive, but I haven’t been able to put my thoughts cohesively together until today. A lot has gone on since my last post. Still waiting for a call to interview on that job I applied for. Sent out two more applications for jobs, but haven’t heard back from them either. Still waiting to hear back from the Alma Mater about how many classes I actually need to finish my degree. TMI warning – my darling dad’s doing much better now that the catheter is out from his prostate cancer surgery, and he’s recovering nicely. The past month has been consumed with that particularly situation - the combination of prescribed medications, his physical discomfort, and the affects of making a very active man sit still and do nothing, all worked together to make him actually nasty. You'd have to know that my Dad is one of the nicest men in the world, but it was so bad, I didn't want to be around him. And then there was my Mom, who, thanks to Mr. CrabbyPants being in the house, did a lot of errand-running once he could be left alone for short periods of time. Many of those errands included a stop at my house for a cup of tea and a chance for her to have a break.

With school letting out last Friday, we’ve slipped into summer mode in these parts, like so many of you already have. A very simple, quiet ten weeks have exploded over the past two weeks with things to put on the calendar: graduation parties, sports camps and cooking classes for the kids, our family vacation, and when my brother’s wife and kids will be ping-ponging their way through here over the next month before moving out to the West Coast. Shortening up the summer quite a bit are the facts that the Middle Child had an end-of-season lacrosse jamboree yesterday (yes, on Father’s Day!), his football practices start mid-August, and the school year starts before Labor Day again this year. Which I REALLY don’t get, because they are still not getting out of school any earlier than when they went back the day after Labor Day.

Ten weeks. That’s what I’ve got. It seems to be so short, in comparison to when we had just the two older kids and I was working full-time. I had a lovely color-coded calendar in Excel back then, listing all the camps and who was picking up who when – those summers averaged over $3000 so that I could work full-time. Now? Hubby and I still hand off midday, but now instead of rushing to pick kids up at camp, I rush to get home to turn the sprinkler on or take them up to the library or down to the beach.

So, do you find the summer more hectic in some ways than the school year? How do you cope with school vacation if you work outside of the home?

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Oh no! Sunburn is the pits. I've been lucky in that regard (my skin is light, but it takes a lot for me to burn). On the other hand, hubby and D can become lobsters in nanoseconds, so I am hyper-vigilant with the sunblock for them.

Summmer. Argh! Today is D.'s last day. Normally, I enroll him in a summer program. This summer he has tutoring in the AM, so I decided to fly by the seat of my pants for two months. He'll be my office assistant or with a relative depending on the day. I was a little nervous telling my mgr about my schedule since I will be MIA in the mornings taking D to and from a local university for tutoring. Thankfully, she has three kids and can appeciate the juggling act we do.

That being said, I think I am already looking forward to September. lol.