Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Me" Time

I’m back.

Yes, it’s been a while.

Nothing tragic. Or big. Just overwhelmed with life in general. Major house projects, a mobile toddler, the Oldest and the Middle Child involved in an endless variety of activities… although the reality is, my kids don’t do multiple sports in a season like some families, so you’d think there wouldn’t be as much running around.. But with Hubby still working second shift, even one sport and Scouts for the Middle Child and the Oldest having a job three days a week means I spend most of my afternoons like so many other parents… with my rear end planted firmly in the driver’s seat.

I’ve missed you. I’ve missed those lovely souls who kindly read and comment on my ramblings. And I’ve missed her – my blog, that is. The place I can release the feelings and thoughts I have without pissing anyone in my everyday world off. Where I can say things like if the friggin’ school system is going to use a district calendar, do you think maybe they could instruct the people who work for them to put everything on it, not just a few dates here and there? I have the enviable position of having three kids in three different schools this year. But thanks to the “Individual Little Kingdoms” rule our school system seems to endorse, I don’t have one, or even three, calendars to go by. I have the school calendars… and the athletic calendars… and the fine arts calendar… and the PTO calendar… and you get the idea….

Or how I envy the moms around who just don’t do. They don’t pay attention to the calendars, and they miss their kids’ games and concerts and Curriculum Nights, they don't volunteer for anything, they don't go to meetings or volunteer or and they’re always “going away for a Girls’ Weekend”… I want to know how they do it. I can’t unplug from the guilt I feel if I miss one of my kids’ events, and I certainly can’t seem to get ahead at home enough to go away for one weekend, let alone multiple weekends. What’s their secret? More involved husbands? Less involved kids?

Any ideas how to find more “me” time like those ladies?

1 comment:

Zephra said...

I don't know how they do it. Honestly, I am one of those Moms who is involved in everything but I can't imagine missing a moment. I wonder if the uninvolved Moms will feel guilt later?